"Future Lock-In: Future Implementation Increases Selection of 'Should' Choices"
ROGERS,Todd and Max H. Bazerman (2007). "Future Lock-In: Future Implementation Increases Selection of 'Should' Choices." Harvard PON Working Paper No. 983148, and Harvard NOM Working Paper No. 07-038.
Abstract: People often experience tension over certain choices (e.g., they should reduce their gas consumption or increase their savings, but they do not want to). Some posit that this tension arises from the competing interests of a deliberative should self and an affective want self. We show that people are more likely to select choices that serve the should self (should-choices) when the choices will be implemented in the distant rather than the near future. This future lock-in is demonstrated in four experiments for should-choices involving donation, public policy, and self-improvement. Additionally, we show that future lock-in can arise without changing the structure of a should-choice, but by just changing people's temporal focus. Finally, we provide evidence that the should self operates at a higher construal level (abstract, superordinate) than the want self, and that this difference in construal partly underlies future lock-in.
内なる葛藤、というやつか。この分野は詳しくないので、どのあたりが新しいのかよく知らないが、「should self」と「want self」、「should-choice」と「want-choice」みたいな語の対比が面白い。この組み合わせだけでお気楽経営本とか心理本とか書く人がいそう。まあ直感的には「そりゃそうだよな」領域。とはいえちょっと待て?とも思う。論文では寄付と公共政策と自己啓発に関する実験を行ったようだが、前二者はともかく、最後のやつが入ってることを考えると、単なる利他と利己の闘いってわけでもないのだな。とすると、墓地とか祈祷とかもこの仲間ってことになる。「should choice」の前に不安をあおっておけば、壺やら掛け軸やらもこの類。そうなると、よく雑誌の後ろのほうにある幸運のなんとかいう類のやつ(これをサイフに入れてから競馬で連戦連勝みたいなやつ)も似てるんじゃないかと思うんだが、ここまでくるとどちらかというと「want choice」っぽいよなぁ。そこらへんどこでどう線を引くのか、よくわからないな。どなたかちゃんと読んでご教示いただけないだろうか(身勝手な)。
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