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February 28, 2011

第83回アカデミー賞予測市場 2011/02/28

さきほど発表された第83回アカデミー賞に関する、Hollywood Stock Exchangeの予測市場の結果。日本時間2月28日(月)午前0現在の価格をメモ。結果としては、監督賞を除く7部門で的中。

この予測市場は、主要8部門について受賞作品を予測する。取引は2月27日16時(EST)(日本時間では2月28日午前6時)まで行われる。作品賞は 10銘柄がそれぞれ当初価格H$2.50、その他は5銘柄がそれぞれ当初価格H$5.00で売り出され、最終的に受賞作品の価格がH$25、そうでなければ0となる。


Name                      Price   Change Today
127 Hours - Best Picture         H$0.35   H$0.04 (13%)
Black Swan - Best Picture        H$0.78   H$0.01 (1%)
Inception - Best Picture         H$0.27   -H$0.05 (-16%)
The Fighter - Best Picture        H$0.20   H$0.02 (11%)
The Kids Are All Right - Best Picture H$0.33   -H$0.03 (-8%)
The King's Speech - Best Picture   H$17.23   H$0.04 (0%)
The Social Network - Best Picture  H$2.44   -H$0.01 (-0%)

Name                     Price    Change Today
Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan     H$0.70   H$0.11 (19%)
David Fincher - The Social Network  H$13.13   H$0.16 (1%)
David O. Russell - The Fighter     H$1.66   H$0.02 (1%)
Joel & Ethan Coen - True Grit     H$1.89   H$0.03 (2%)
Tom Hooper - The King's Speech   H$8.95   -H$0.17 (-2%)

Name                      Price   Change Today
Colin Firth - The King's Speech     H$21.86  -H$0.21 (-1%)
James Franco - 127 Hours        H$0.89   H$0.08 (10%)
Javier Bardem - Biutiful           H$1.90   H$0.01 (1%)
Jeff Bridges - True Grit          H$0.95   H$0.05 (6%)
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network H$0.93   H$0.03 (3%)

Name                         Price   Change Today
Annette Bening - The Kids Are All Right   H$2.73   H$0.04 (1%)
Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's Bone      H$1.50   H$0.03 (2%)
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine       H$1.63   H$0.03 (2%)
Natalie Portman - Black Swan         H$19.98   H$0.11 (1%)
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole          H$1.57   H$0.05 (3%)

Name                      Price   Change Today
Christian Bale - The Fighter       H$18.79  -H$0.14 (-1%)
Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech  H$3.31   H$0.02 (1%)
Jeremy Renner - The Town       H$1.76   H$0.06 (4%)
John Hawkes - Winter's Bone      H$1.63   H$0.06 (4%)
Mark Ruffalo - The Kids Are All Right H$1.57   H$0.04 (3%)

Name                         Price   Change Today
Amy Adams - The Fighter            H$0.79   H$0.11 (16%)
Hailee Steinfeld - True Grit           H$4.98   H$0.08 (2%)
Helena Bonham Carter - The King's Speech H$2.75   H$0.08 (3%)
Jackie Weaver - Animal Kingdom        H$1.69   H$0.09 (6%)
Melissa Leo - The Fighter            H$14.50  -H$0.09 (-1%)

Name                         Price    Change Today
127 Hours - Adapted Screenplay        H$2.39   H$0.00 (0%)
The Social Network - Adapted Screenplay  H$17.70  -H$0.15 (-1%)
Toy Story 3 - Adapted Screenplay       H$1.79   H$0.02 (1%)
True Grit - Adapted Screenplay        H$0.77   H$0.05 (7%)
Winter's Bone - Adapted Screenplay      H$2.18  H$0.09 (4%)

Name Price Change Today
Another Year - Original Screenplay      H$1.86   H$0.04 (2%)
Inception - Original Screenplay         H$3.02   -H$0.02 (-1%)
The Fighter - Original Screenplay       H$1.20   H$0.01 (1%)
The Kids Are All Right - Original Screenplay H$2.24   H$0.01 (0%)
The King's Speech - Original Screenplay   H$17.23  -H$0.16 (-1%)


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